The correct web browser can easily create a big difference in our daily browsing tasks. It covers several aspects such as faster performance, high security, or more flexibility using several downloadable features as the most secure browser can do.
However, it becomes a bit tougher to take you out of the comfort zone of the browser which you use on a daily basis. Your regular browser may not be the best fit for your laptop because of the security threats it poses. Unless correctly configured, most browsers tend to store user data and information like passwords, cookies and trackers, browsing history, etc. Hence, you need to use a browser that is safe, secure and protects your anonymity on the web. Therefore, follow this guide to know about the most secure browsers for 2019 that you can rely upon.
Most Secure Browsers For 2019: Notable Features and Privacy Concerns
In this content, we have provided the best browsers keeping in mind the user’s requirements. Also, you can enhance privacy as well as security online with the help of a virtual private network.
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox has received the largest update after a span of 13 years and thereby it is in the topmost place. It is also suitable for flexibility as well as supported extensions. Firefox gets good credit when it comes to privacy. Mozilla is basically non-profit and as a result, it doesn’t have the same impulsion to sell your data similar to other browser developers.
Through Mozilla, you can get regular updates to protect your privacy as the majority of the internet companies are going through increased scrutiny of the security features of web browsers. The most recent additions cover the support for free password logins and automated block of several ad trackers. The latest version of Firefox is mainly built for browsing in virtual reality. Through Mozilla, you can avail the beta versions of the latest features using the Test Pilot program.
Google Chrome
With the help of Chrome, Google creates an extendable, effective browser to secure a permanent position at the top of the browser ranking. As per the latest report, with the increase in user base, the installation numbers of Chrome are growing at a huge rate. This is among the nicest browser that you can work upon because of its cross-platform features and optimum screen size.
Because of the wide range of installed extensions and easily viable features, you can use this browser as your own. Moreover, you will get support for the parental controls as well as a plethora of tweaks and settings to generate optimum efficiency.
However, it comes with certain drawbacks. You can’t afford to use those systems with limited RAM since it hampers the performance and therefore not a perfect match as far as the benchmark is concerned.
Google is making a great move to keep high security and thereby pushing the HTTPS. Upcoming versions of this web browser will probably take harsh measures against sites that are not using HTTPS encryptions with the intention of attaining a global standard through the world wide web.
Opera accounts for almost 1% of the web market. This is really a quality one owing to several features like fast launch, clean UI, etc. Therefore, it comes with everything which the potential competitor can go along with certain add ons. As a result, it can be a good bet for you.
The possible reason because of which we may not recommend Opera is the reduction in the amount of data, compression of the web traffic, traversing through Opera servers, etc. Routing through Opera services can create a mammoth difference in the browsing speed if you get stuck in the rural dial-up. Otherwise, the broadband you are using may cause this issue.
Also, you will get an integrated ad-blocker which you can switch off easily. There is also a battery-saving mode that keeps your laptop alive for a long period of time.
Microsoft Edge
Amidst the default browsing experience in Windows 10 and the unavailability of the operating system, Edge turns out to be a unique one. Collaborating with Windows 10 is the main stronghold for Microsoft Edge. This is basically working as a modern skinned app on Windows 10 and is also compatible with Cortana. It works with the current webpage with regard to insecure protocols such as ActiveX. Moreover, it compels you to get into Internet Explorer if you like to use it.
Edge provides an awesome user experience. It works effectively through certain benchmarks. The integrated reading mode fine-tunes the complexity of different sites. Therefore, it segregates it away from other operating systems under the same jargon. Microsoft makes sure that Edge won’t hamper the security concern of its parent organization.
Internet Explorer
Before the advent of Chrome and Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer created a monopoly amidst the stiff competition in the browser market share. However, after receiving days of unstable updates we recommend you not to use IE.
The checked legacy comes with one of the less secure browsers present worldwide. Recently, Internet Explorer, the most secure browser, warns the user when they came across a malicious website or download any irrelevant or vulnerable files. It also comes with adjusting security levels that permit the users to complain about their online protection. Moreover, it helps the browsers to identify social engineering malware. However, these features are obsolete when compared to other competitors.
Moreover, IE comes with a Tracking Protection feature that helps you to monitor certain protection lists. This will refrain the browser from providing cookies into your web browser. Therefore, IE is basically a closed platform. Therefore, you can’t tell what type of other surveillance widgets which you can add to the browser.
Apple Safari
The word Safari seems to be alien to the majority of Windows users. The in-house web browser of Apple was actually featured on the system till 2012. Although Safari seems to be a heavy browser, it suffered a major loss similar to the Internet Explorer on Windows.
When the Mac users are subjected to minimum vulnerabilities than PC users, the inferior frequency of security updates is really menacing. Although Safari updates are available on a periodic interval, the process is really slow.
But with the recent update, the privacy features have turned into an advanced level. The process of digital fingerprinting is replaced by intelligent tracking protection methods. The browser helps in preventing third-party sites from leaving data in the cache. Additionally, it comes with suitable extensions to protect privacy.
Google Chrome is an open-source medium but has certain restrictions in code pertaining to Google services. Now, you can easily get the latest open-source platform of Google Chrome in Chromium. This is mainly for conscious customers who want to take benefits from Google products.
The update comes every fortnight. The biggest debacle is the update that comes automatically leaving your products to certain bugs. It is more of an unfurnished version of Chrome but requires very less coding standards to integrate third-party apps such as Flash. Therefore, it minimizes the complexity of the coding structure.
As specified earlier, you need to update the browser mutually. Therefore, you don’t need to be cautious. Always ensure to download it from the main source to keep things authentic. This is owing to the fact that there can be malware using the same Chromium name.
Maintain Security and Follow Private Browsing by the Most Secure Browser
Slowly moving down to the end of the article, we must say that there are certain facts you need to know to secure your browsing experience. Each of the browsers mentioned in this informative content comes with certain strengths as well as weaknesses. It covers monitoring of the web traffic as well as selling that to third-party vendors. Therefore, you can surely try the best one as per your requirement.
Having said that, the sole method to completely safeguard your precious device is to use a VPN.
Instead of footling with customized settings, you should click on Connect option and the VPN will take care of the security and the privacy as you enjoy your browsing experience from any device.