
Indoor Propane Heaters – A Complete Buying Guide

Winter is always a very beautiful season to enjoy the natural beauty, visiting beautiful places with your close ones and consuming varieties of foods. But, when it comes to freezing cold, we all get involved in search of warmth in order to maintain our body temperature. Usually, the winter nights are really cold, and sometimes intolerable in fact, we keep trembling with that extremely cold air blowing to our bodies. Sometimes the temperature gets beyond our endurance and just lighting a fireplace won’t be enough to produce sufficient heat and warmth. In this situation, we can use room heaters that help to keep adequate warmth in our living rooms. Basically, there are several types of room heaters available in the market like a ceramic space heater, infrared space heater, fan space heater, oil-filled space heater, propane space heater and so on. Among all of them, Indoor Propane Heaters is the most effective modern solution invented to adjust the temperature of these winter nights. apart from winter heaters, for summers you can prefer Next Generation Window Air Conditioner. The perfect air conditioner that slides gracefully in and out of your window. So without wasting any more time, please look at the most common room heaters you can install in your rooms.

Different types of Space heaters:

There are several types of space heaters available in the market. Some of the most reliable ones are listed below.

#1 Ceramic Space Heaters:

A ceramic space heater is a special type of heater which is made up of two ceramic plates. These ceramic plates are attached with metal coils and run on electricity. The metal coils present in the heater take the electrical energy, get heated up and the electrical energy is converted to heat energy and released into the air. A ceramic space heater takes very little time to warm up and transfer the heat to the room air. There are two types of ceramic space heaters available, ceramic heater with a fan and without a fan. It takes less time to warm up the room when a fan is present in the ceramic heater while without a fan takes a longer time.

#2 Fan Space Heaters:

This type of heater is pretty similar to ceramic space heaters and its functionality is almost similar. The only exception is, fan space heaters don’t have any ceramic plate present inside it and run with a fan. And in the case of the fan space heater, there’s a metal coil present inside, which is heated up by the electricity passing into it, and the fan blows the heat into the room.

#3 Infrared Space Heaters:

Infrared heaters work on a completely different process, apart from the previous two types. By emitting electromagnetic waves into the air, this type of heater warms up the objects present in a room, instead of heating up the entire room. The work process of infrared space heaters is similar to the way the sun radiates heat energy to warm up the earth. Sometimes, there’s a fan present in the infrared heater, which speeds up the heating process.

#4 Oil Filled Space Heaters:

As the name suggests, this type of heater contains one kind of diathermic oil inside its body. It runs on electricity, which warms up the oil present inside the heater and the heat energy circulated through the columns of the heater. The columns, when they become hot,  transfer the heat energy into the room.  There’s only one type of Oil Filled Space heater available in the market and it doesn’t contain a fan.

#5 Panel Space heaters:

A panel space heater is another modern heater that works similarly to oil space heaters, by radiating hot air through the device. This type of heater is either mounted on a wall or stands on the floor. The main difference between the oil space heater and panel space heater is, there’s no oil present in this type of space heater and it is operated through electricity.

Overview of Propane Space Indoor Heater:

The propane space heater is a special kind of space heater, which doesn’t operate with electricity as a power source. This type of space heater is operated with Liquid Propane as fuel. It’s operated in a similar way to infrared heaters, by emitting electromagnetic waves which heat up the closer objects. Just like other space heaters, Propane space heaters are available in two different variables, with or without a fan. Generally, there’s no fan attached with this type of heater, but in some latest models, a fan is attached with the heater which helps to enhance the heating process further.  

Indoor propane heaters are the best alternative to traditional or electric room heaters. Unlike other types of space heaters, Propane heaters are operated on fuel, and there’s no requirement of electric supply. Additionally, the major advantage of Propane heaters is, it consumes 20% less power than the other heaters and also produces more heat than the others. Now, have a look at some features of Propane Space heaters.

  • Heating capacity: The main purpose of using a room heater is to heat your room. So, before buying any type of room heater, the foremost factor you should look at is the heating capacity. The heating capacity of the heater is expressed in BTU, British Thermal Unit. Generally, the heating capacity of an indoor propane heater varies from 8000 BTU to 68000 BTU. Depending upon your requirement and the heating area, you can buy Propane heaters which are most suitable for your room.
  • Size: Whenever you are installing an Indoor gadget in your house, you must consider some of the important things including the shape and size of the same. Installing a large device not only takes a lot of space in your room but also consumes lots of storage areas. As the smaller one generates less power, so, before buying a room heater you must consider the amount of heat you need and you must also consider the area of your rooms. Depending upon your heating requirement and the size of your room, you can buy the appropriate propane heaters.
  • Portability: If you want to install a Propane heater in different locations of your rooms, then you must consider the portability features. You either have to carry the room heater to the preferable room you want to install or you have to install multiple room heaters for each of your rooms like bedroom, living room, kitchen etc. The portability of a propane heater is affected by its size of it. Along with other features, the weight and size of the heater must be considered before buying.
  • Reliability: Any Indoor Propane heater is made up of several critical parts. If any parts of the heater fail to perform, the entire propane heater becomes incompatible and not to use. You must buy your heater from a reliable source. When you are going to buy a propane heater for the first time, you might not check the reliability of all the parts of the heater, but you must look at the warranty card, offered with the propane heater. In between the warranty period you need not to spend an extra penny as a repairing cost.

Types of Indoor Propane Heater you must buy:

From the above section, you have a clear idea about what an Indoor Propane heater is and some of its attractive features. Next, we are going to discuss some most common types of Indoor propane heaters you must consider buying. Let’s look at the list as follows:

1. Mr. Heater Corporation 29,000-45,000 BTU Heater :

This is one popular type of Indoor Propane heater which you can buy online from Amazon. With the help of a 360-degree burner, the heater radiates heat up to 30000 to 45000 BTU, in all directions of the room. There’s a push-button TE valve present in the heater which makes it easier to start and shut down. The heater operates upon a 20-pound propane cylinder, and you do not need to be worried about any danger as the shut-off switch lets the heater completely off when it’s not in use. You may consider the heater to be installed both indoor and outdoor. 

2. Mr. Heater F215100 Safe Indoor Propane Heater :

This is another type of propane heater which is also rated 4 star on Amazon and also termed as the most bought propane heater. This heater has a low oxygen shut-off system and is completely safe to use. It can be used for indoor purposes and can heat the room up to 95 square feet. This type of heater can heat your room continuously at a 45 degree and it’s odor-free. Using a one-pound disposable propane cylinder, the heater can heat up to a height of 7000 feet and can continuously last around 5.6 hours.

3. Mr. Heater F232000 MH9BX Buddy Heater:

This is another type of Propane heater, which is also rated 4.5 stars on amazon by more than 3000 people. With this type of heater, you can use both indoor as well as outdoor. This heater can heat up to an area of 225 square feet and also a height of 7000 feet. You can use it continuously for three long hours. Another attractive feature of this heater is, you can estimate the amount of fuel is burnt for heating, like 0.044 gallons per hour for 4,000 BTU and 0.099 gallons per hour for 9,000 BTU. This is one of the most efficient types of propane heaters and also noise-free. Depending upon your comfort level you can adjust the heat settings either low to high or high to low. If required you can also connect a 20-pound propane cylinder with the heater. This is one of the most safe indoor propane heaters and without a second thought, you can buy it.

4. Mr. Heater MH18B Big Buddy:

It’s another type of 4.5 stars rated Propane heater on Amazon. You can use this heater for indoor purposes as it’s easy to carry and portable. It has a beautiful handle by which you can carry it wherever you want and it can heat up to 450 square feet of area without any toxic smell or fumes. It has optimized heat capacity and also has an integrated fan associated with it by which heat can flow either radiation or convection methods. This is also one of the most safe indoor propane heaters to be used for indoor purposes. Its automatic safety shut-off is executed whenever the heater is accidentally tipped off or the oxygen level goes below. It’s not only almost hundred percent efficient but also very durable. One of the most attractive features of this heater is, it has four-stage heat settings which allow the user to choose the heat at his endurance level. With all these features you can consider this one also as one of your choices to buy.

5. Mr. Heater F274830 MH18BRV:

This is another type of Propane heater which is rated 4.5 stars on Amazon. Like the previous one, this heater covers 450 square feet area in the space and it also has an automatic shut-off feature that is triggered whenever the oxygen level goes down. All these features made the heater available for household use. This type of heater is also available for outdoor use and its automatic shut-off function can perform to an elevation of 7000 feet. An integrated fan and two-cylinder is connected with this type of propane heater. Depending upon your choice you can choose the intensity of the heat, like low, medium, or high. This type of heater takes almost ten minutes to heat your room. Like the other types of propane heaters, this is also a must-buy type of propane heater.

6. Mr. Heater MH18CH Radiant Cabinet:

This is another 4.5 stars rated Propane heater on Amazon. This type of propane is pretty similar to the previous two types of Propane heaters. Like the previous ones it can also cover an area of 450 square feet and have an automatic shut-off feature that triggers whenever the oxygen level gets lower. This type of heater can last up to 24hrs at maximum and can last up to 72 hrs when the lowest heat setting is applied. This heater has a thermoelectric safety valve and by reflective radiant method, it can heat the nearby area up to 450 square feet. You can choose any of the three heat settings, in order to adjust the temperature.

7. Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Vent-Free Heater:

This is another 4.3 stars rated Propane heater on Amazon. This is a perfect type of Propane heater for indoor use. It doesn’t emit any toxic smell and works smoothly. You can use the heater without electricity and can heat up to a thousand square feet area of your room. This is a type of propane heater provided with a thermostat, with which you can control the temperature up to your comfort level. Like the previous types, this heater also has an automatic shut-off policy which allows automatic shut down when automatic tip over. For this type of heater, you can choose from five heat settings, depending upon your comfort.

8. Dyna-Glo Liquid Propane Blue Flame:

Like the other types of propane heaters, this one also has a 4.3-star rating on Amazon. This type of propane heater gives you the most heating satisfaction among the other types and can heat up to a thousand square feet of areas of your room. It is operated through a thermostat that can control and maintain the heat level. Like the previous types, this heater also operated on an automatic shut-off policy, which is triggered when accidentally tipped off or oxygen level goes down. Not only is this type of heater 100% efficient but also it can heat an area very fast. This type of heater doesn’t require electricity to perform and you can use it any time at your convenience 

9. Mr. Heater Corporation Vent-Free 20,000 BTU:

It is another 4.3 stars rated propane heater that is available on various authentic sites including Amazon. With this type of propane heater, you can heat up to 450 square feet of area of your room. It can perform up to 21 hours at maximum BTU. This heater also has an automatic shut-off policy, which triggers when the heater is tipped over automatically or the oxygen level goes down. It can heat up to an elevation of 4500 feet and has a thermostat through which the temperature is controlled. 

10. Dyna-Glo BF30PMDG 30,000 BTU:

This is a 3.7 star rated heater on Amazon by more than 300 users. It’s a fuel-efficient heater and can heat spaces up to a thousand square feet. This type of heater also can be used in power cuts as no electricity is required to operate it. You can customize the heat settings from low to medium to high power mode depending upon your requirement, with a knob present in the heater, which is one of the most attractive features of this type of heater.

11. Dewalt DXH12B Portable Propane Heater:

Dewal DXH12B is a special type of portable propane heater. It can generate heat up to 12000 BTUs within a short time. It’s very easy to use and you just have to click a knob to start the heater. This heater can produce heat for up to 7 hours constantly and it has an integrated high-speed fan which helps to spread the heat all over your room. The heater also has a safety switch which helps to control accidental damage. It has a thick grill on the outside which helps to protect it from getting damaged. Among the other types this one also must-buy propane you can consider. 

12. Dura Heat Propane Heater:

Dura Heat propane heater is another popular propane heater that is well known for its affordability. It has the capacity to heat up to 1000 square feet of your room. Just like other types of propane heaters it also has a shut-off feature that triggers when tipped off accidentally or the oxygen level goes down. You can use this both in indoor as well as outdoor functionalities. 

13. Martin propane Wall heater:

Martin propane heaters are another type of premium propane heater.  It is designated for indoor purpose usage only. The heater has an 80000 BTU heating machine associated with it and there’s a thermostat attached with the heater. The thermostat is used to control and maintain the temperature. This type of heater can be wall-mounted and provides a safe and clean energy output. There’s a glass-ceramic window attached to the outside of the heater which helps to protect it from any type of damage.

14. Dyna Glo Propane heater:

Dyna Glo propane is another type of budget-friendly propane heater which is specially designed for indoor purposes. This heater has a maximum 12000 BTU heating capacity. There are two types of heating alternatives present in the settings of the heater, you can either use it for 6000 BTU or 12000 BTU. It can heat up to 300 square feet and the heating settings are controlled by a knob on the backside of the heater. As it doesn’t require any type of power supply to operate, you can use it on power cuts. 

Pros and Cons:

You may consider buying a new propane heater for your room, by reading this guide, but before that, you must have to know the pros and cons of using a Propane heater.


  • It’s very safe to use and it burns clearly.
  • You can heat your entire room with the same fuel source
  • It’s the most portable type of heater and doesn’t require any cord for a power supply.
  • It provides the hottest heat.
  • It doesn’t require electric power to operate.
  • It is very cheap and very pocket-friendly.


  • It requires fuel to operate
  • It has a higher risk of flame due to the burning of fuel.
  • During combustion, poisonous gases like carbon monoxide also formed for using this type of heater and you must ventilate that for your health.
  • All types of propane aren’t that safe to consider for indoor usages.

Parting Words:

In the above section, we have provided an ultimate guide for buying a propane heater. From this guide, you get to know which are the specific types of room heaters available in the market, what is an indoor propane space heater and what the potential features are. You also got sufficient information about which type of Propane space heater you must consider buying for your rooms and what are the pros and cons of the installation of a propane space heater. Hope this guide will be helpful to you and for any more queries, kindly revert us back in the comment section below. 

Sarah Irick

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